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Hummingbird and Scarlet Fritillary_Lily_Fritillaria recurva_black background_Upper Table Rocks_Nature Conservancy Land_Oregon_K3D0205_Rob Badger

Hummingbird feeding at Scarlet Fritillary (Fritillaria recurva) plant with three blossoms, black background. Upper Table Rocks, BLM land. The Upper and Lower Table Rocks were designated in 1984 as an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) to protect special plants and animal species, unique geologic and scenic values, and education opportunities. The Table Rocks are now owned and collaboratively managed by the Nature Conservancy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Oregon, United States

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:April, BLM Land, Bureau of Land Management land, Oregon, Oregon native plants, Oregon wildflowers, Pacific Northwest, West, beauty, bird, black, black background, close-up, color, colorful, dark orange, dramatic, elegant, entire plant, floral, green, healthcare, healthcare art, high resolution, horizontal, hummingbird, light orange, lilies, lily, native plant, native plants, native wildflowers, nature, oak woodlands, orange, protected land, public land, red, spring, spring wildflowers, springtime, warm tones, wildflower, wildflowers, wildlife, yellow

Hummingbird and Scarlet Fritillary_Lily_Fritillaria recurva_black background_Upper Table Rocks_Nature Conservancy Land_Oregon_K3D0205_Rob Badger